ADA Complementary Paratransit
Fixed Route Service ADA Accessibility Overview
Greater Portland Metro is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and making sure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to take part in community life. As such, equal access to transportation services is key to that participation.
All Metro buses are accessible and equipped with passenger lifts or ramps that can be used by persons with wheelchairs, walkers, and other mobility aids. All Metro’s buses contain space to accommodate two (2) people using wheelchairs.
Securing Wheelchairs & Devices
Wheelchairs and mobile devices (such as scooters, etc.) must be secured when possible. Passengers who refuse to allow mobile devices to be secured shall not be transported. When shoulder and lap belts are supplied, their use is at the discretion of the passenger. It is the responsibility of the bus operator to make sure that mobile devices are secured before transporting passengers.
Weight Limits
When using a wheelchair lift or ramp, the limit of the combined weight of the customer and mobility aid varies for each bus. Weight limits are posted on buses.
Portable Oxygen – Helpful Tips
National Council on Aging information about travelling with portable oxygen.
Schedules & Accessible Formats
Schedules for Metro routes are available on all Metro buses, at the Metro Pulse at Elm Street (Metro’s Downtown Transit Hub), and convenient locations throughout the service area, as well as on-line.
Complimentary Paratransit Service
The RTP provides ADA Complementary Paratransit Services for those who cannot ride regular fixed routes.
ADA Transportation
If you live in Portland, South Portland, Falmouth, or Westbrook, but cannot use Metro (or the South Portland Bus Service) because of a functional inability to do so, you may apply for ADA transportation, which has a similar schedule to the Metro.
If you think you may qualify for ADA services, please contact RTP at 207-774-2666 to request an application. To find out more about all RTP programs, visit the RTP Website.
MaineCare Bus Pass
If you are a MaineCare Member and have transportation needs, please call Modivcare at: 855-608-5178