Bids, RFPs & Vendor Information

Bids, RFPs & Vendor Information

The Maine Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Eastern Maine Development Corporation, administers a certification program for DBE vendors.

If you would like more information about how to become a certified DBE vendor, please visit the EMDC website at

Search below for current bid opportunities as well as to view our history of closed bids.

RFP #2023-002 Microtransit Project Management

Status: Closed


Publish Date: August 21, 2023
Deadline: September 15, 2023 2:00 pm download this documentRead Complete RFP

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Microtransit Project Management

RFP #2023-002 Microtransit Project Management

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Microtransit Project Management until Friday, September 15, 2023 at 2:00pm EST.

General Scope

Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for consulting and project management services for GPM’s upcoming demand-response transit (“microtransit”) pilot project. GPM seeks professional assistance in preparing the Request for Proposals for microtransit vendors, facilitating the Q&A and addendum process, advising staff and participating in the selection process, managing the start-up process, and providing ongoing assistance during the pilot program, which is funded through 2025.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained using our electronic bidding system at colbisecure bids link to the RFP.

In order to participate in this RFQ, firms must register at .

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Metro encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

Frank Suszczynski, Procurement Manager


In order to bid, you will need to register at which only takes 2 minutes to complete.

RFP #2023-001 GPS-Based Transit Signal Priority System

Status: Closed


Publish Date: June 27, 2025
Deadline: July 21, 2023 3:00 pm download this documentRead The Full RFP & Apply

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals GPS-Based Transit Signal Priority System

RFP #2023-001 GPS-Based Transit Signal Priority System

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for GPS-Based Transit Signal Priority System until Friday, July 21, 2023 at 3:00pm EST.

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for GPS-Based Transit Signal Priority System for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained using our electronic bidding system at colbisecure bids link to the RFP.

In order to participate in this RFQ, firms must register at .

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Contact Person

Shelly Brooks, Chief Financial Officer,


In order to bid, you will need to register at which only takes 2 minutes to complete.

BID #41-23 Furnish Gasoline and/or Diesel Motor Fuel

Status: Closed


Publish Date: June 05, 2023
Deadline: June 20, 2023 2:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Furnish Gasoline and/or Diesel Motor Fuel

BID #41-23 Furnish Gasoline and/or Diesel Motor Fuel

Sealed bids for supplying the City of South Portland (“City”) and Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) with its requirements of unleaded automotive gasoline and/or refined dyed diesel fuel for use in City vehicles, from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, will be received at the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 25 Cottage Road, Second Floor, South Portland, Maine 04106, until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at which time they will be publicly opened.

General Scope

Bids shall be submitted on the provided forms, and returned in sealed envelopes clearly identified with the bid's number and title.  All bids shall be held open to acceptance for thirty days from their opening.   Late, unsigned or faxed bids shall not be accepted.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to with the subject as Bid # 41-23. Electronic copies must be received by the deadline above.

All questions shall be directed, in writing, to the Purchasing Agent at the above address and be received at least five business days prior to the bid opening date (e-mail   Questions received after this time will not be addressed.  Responses from the City that substantially alter this bid will be issued in the form of a written addendum to all bid holders registered in the Purchasing Office.   Oral explanations or interpretations given before the award of the contract will not be binding.

Bids from vendors not registered with the Purchasing Office may be rejected; receipt of this document directly from the City of Portland indicates registration.  Should a vendor receive this Invitation from a source other than the City, please contact 207-347-4179 to ensure that your firm is listed as a vendor for this bid.

Contact Person

Matt Fitzgerald: or (207) 347-4179

Submittal Information

Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 25 Cottage Road, Second Floor, South Portland, Maine 04106


The net per gallon price for gasoline and dyed diesel motor fuel shall be calculated by showing the discount to be subtracted from, or the increase to be added to the average price(s) for Portland, as posted in the OPIS Daily Rack Average, Gasoline and Distillate Reseller Prices on Thursday, June 15, 2023 for gasoline & diesel fuels, and thus showing the net delivered cost to the City. Any Superfund fees or other governmental imposed fees shall be a part of either the discount or increase quoted.

It is understood that contract prices will be subject to the increases or decreases in the prices in the OPIS Daily Rack Average for Gasoline and Distillate Reseller Prices, however, the discount from or the increase to be added to those prices shall remain fixed for the period of award regardless of the bidder's supplier.

Bids are also solicited for a net fixed price on each product, which shall remain in effect for the entire period of award. Bidders wishing to bid in this manner should list their net fixed price in the appropriate space(s) on the Bid Proposal form.

RFP #2022-006 Admin Space Construction

Status: Closed


Publish Date: November 04, 2022
Deadline: November 14, 2022 1:00 pm download this documentBID #2022-006 Notice To Contractors download this documentBID #2022-006 Addendum #1 download this documentBID #2022-006 Addendum #2

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Admin Space Construction

RFP #2022-006 Admin Space Construction

General Scope

Greater Portland Metro is requesting proposals to complete renovation work involved at their Portland Office building.

The project consists of the renovation of bathrooms to update them for ADA accessibility, removal of walls to enlarge a conference room, installing an interior overhead door, and removal of an office for a new lobby. Trades include ceramic tile; bathroom partitions; plumbing fixtures; finishes; Ceiling Tile and associated work.

All Contractors interested in bidding are required to attend a mandatory pre-bid site walk-through to be held at Greater Portland Transit District (114 Valley Street, Portland, ME 04102) at 1:00PM on November 10, 2022. Last date for questions will be November 15th, 2022 and posted as an addendum.

Sealed proposals in envelopes plainly marked: Proposal for: 2022-006 Admin Space Construction to Curtis Robinson & Lita Semrau at 65 Newbury Street, Portland, ME 04101. Proposals are due by 1:00 p.m. on November 18th, 2022. Proposals will be opened and read aloud at the Conference Room in Port City Architecture at 65 Newbury Street at 1:15 p.m., November 18th, 2022.

Project plans and specifications may be obtained from Port City Architecture Office in person Monday – Friday 9AM to 4PM at 65 Newbury Street, Portland, Maine 04101. They can also be accessed online.

Sets can be accessed online at Port City Architecture’s website on or after November 6th

Go to:

Password: 2022006

On right click, “Bid Documents” then click “Drawings” or “Specifications”

Download available files.

Contact Person

Port City Architecture, Curtis Robinson and Lita Semrau, at and or 207-761-9000

RFP #2022-005A Bus Wash Rehabilitation

Status: Closed


Publish Date: September 29, 2022
Deadline: November 14, 2022 2:00 pm download this documentRead Full RFP & Apply

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Bus Wash Rehabilitation

RFP #2022-005A Number-Bus Wash Rehabilitation

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Bus Wash Rehabilitation until Monday, November 14, 2022 at 2pm EST.

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Bus Wash Rehabilitation for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102. GPM expects the work to be completed within 90 days of award. Detailed listing of the specifications of the current bus wash system in use, and desired scope of work are included in the RFP document.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained using our electronic bidding system at colbisecure bids link to the RFP.

In order to participate in this RFQ, firms must register at .

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Metro encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

Debbie Fitzpatrick


In order to bid, you will need to register at which only takes 2 minutes to complete.

RFP #2022-005 Bus Wash Rehabilitation

Status: Closed


Publish Date: July 21, 2022
Deadline: August 19, 2022 2:00 pm download this documentRead Full R'FP & Apply

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Bus Wash Rehabilitation

RFP #2022-005 Bus Wash Rehabilitation

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Bus Wash Rehabilitation until Friday, August 19, 2022 at 2pm EST.

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Bus Wash Rehabilitation for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained using our electronic bidding system at colbisecure bids link to the RFP.

In order to participate in this RFQ, firms must register at .

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Metro encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

Shelly Brooks, Finance Director:


In order to bid, you will need to register at which only takes 2 minutes to complete.

Plan Holders List

Car Wash Tec
Ross & White
NS Wash

RFP #2022-004 Custodial Services

Status: Closed


Publish Date: July 21, 2022
Deadline: August 19, 2021 1:00 pm download this documentRead Full RFP % Apply

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Custodial Services.

RFP #2022-004 Custodial Services

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Custodial Services until Friday, August 19, 2022 at 1pm EST..

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Custodial Services for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained using our electronic bidding system at colbisecure bids link to the RFP.

In order to participate in this RFQ, firms must register at .

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Metro encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

Frank Suszczynski, Procurement Manager


In order to bid, you will need to register at which only takes 2 minutes to complete.

IFB #2022-003 Fluids & DEF with Supply Tank

Status: Closed


Publish Date: April 19, 2022
Deadline: May 18, 2022 2:00 pm download this documentAddendum #1 download this documentAddendum #2 download this documentAddendum #3

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Fluids & DEF with Supply Tank

Fluids & DEF with Supply Tank

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Fluids & DEF with Supply Tank until Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 2:00pm EST.

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Fluids & DEF with Supply Tank for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

Time sensitive dates for the bid process are:

- Final day for Questions: May 11, 2022 
- Receive Proposals: May 18, 2022 
- Pre-Bid Conference: None 

The bid package will also include other documents that must be completed and returned with the bid. Failure to comply with Instructions or failure to complete and submit all required forms, may be cause for disqualification of the Vendor and rejection of the bid. GPTD reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Contact Person

Ryan Ellis via email at


Proposals from vendors not registered with the GPTD Office may be rejected. Receipt of full RFP document directly from GPTD confirms registration. Proposers must register with the GPTD’s Finance Office by emailing Lauren Shaw, at, or by contacting the GPTD at 207-774-0351, ext. 10.

RFP #2022-011A Public Involvement Services For Creating & Conducting A Rider & Non-Rider Survey

Status: Closed


Publish Date: February 24, 2022
Deadline: March 18, 2022 12:00 pm download this documentAddendum #1 - March 15, 2022

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Public Involvement Services For Creating & Conducting A Rider & Non-Rider Survey.

RFP #2022-011A Public Involvement Services For Creating & Conducting A Rider & Non-Rider Survey

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Public Involvement Services For Creating & Conducting A Rider & Non-Rider Survey until Friday, March 18, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. EST. Please note the proposals will not be opened publicly due to the current COVID health crisis. Proposals received after that date and time will not be accepted.

Firms interested will need to submit a proposal and pricing electronically to Shelly Brooks at Proposals received after that date and time will not be accepted. Please note that Metro administrative offices are closed to the public and non-essential staff is working remotely or partially remotely. Thus, all communication is being handled electronically for this RFP process. RFP packages and any subsequent addenda will be emailed to registered firms, and proposals will have to be submitted via email.

Firms must be registered with the Metro Finance Office in order to submit a package.  To register, email  or call 207-517-3020.  Receipt of this document directly from Metro indicates registration.  Should a firm receive this Request from a source other than Metro, please contact Metro to ensure that your firm is listed as a vendor for this RFP.

General Scope

Metro is soliciting proposals from qualified survey research firms for services related to creating and conducting an extensive rider and non-rider survey as well as analyzing survey data and preparing a variety of reports for management and board of directors.  In order to guide Metro’s future planning for service expansion and reevaluation, a thorough understanding of our existing riders’ as well as non-riders’ current travel patterns, typical schedules, vehicle ownership, and other characteristics is required in order for Metro to generate data-driven plans for service expansion and route planning. Metro seeks to conduct a rider and nonrider survey to better understand these trends.

This work will constitute a three (3) year contract consisting of two separate survey efforts: One in Spring 2022, and another in 2023 or 2024.


All questions should be made in writing and directed to Mike Tremblay, Director of Transit Development, by email at and be received no later than Thursday, March 10, 2022. Questions received after this time will not be answered before the submission deadline. No verbal instructions or clarifications will be provided to any Respondent. Any questions or requests for clarification will be answered in the form of written Addendum and sent to all registered firms by March 11, 2022. Acknowledgment of any addendum is required with the proposer’s submission.

Federal Requirements

Metro receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. Vendors should also be aware of FTA requirements for contracts, attached as part of this solicitation in APPENDIX 1, which will be included in the contract with the successful proposer.  

The selected firm, based on the final cost negotiated in their agreement, will be required to sign “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Other Ineligibility, and Involuntary Exclusion”, as enclosed in this RFP.   

Vendors should note that following announcement of an award decision, all submissions in response to this RFP will be considered public records available for public inspection pursuant to the State of Maine Freedom of Access Act.  Unless indicated by the proposer in their submission, Metro will not undertake to determine whether any proposal or part of any proposal is confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure.

Insurance and Indemnification

The successful proposer shall agree to defend, indemnify and save Metro harmless from all losses, costs or damages caused by his acts or those of his agents.  Before signing the contract, the successful proposer will produce evidence that they have secured Public and Automobile Liability insurance coverage in amounts not less than $400,000 per person and occurrence for bodily injury, death and property damage, protecting the contractor and Metro, and naming Metro as an additional insured from such claims; Worker's Compensation insurance; and Professional Liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for errors and omissions.

Reservation of Rights

Metro reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to waive any informality, should it be deemed in the best interest of Metro to do so.

During the evaluation process, Metro reserves the right to request additional information or clarifications from proposers.  Vendors are also noticed that Metro, as required by FTA, will conduct a check with the System for Awards Management (SAM) for any disbarment or disqualification from being awarded work that is paid for with federal funds.   Vendors are encouraged to register in SAM if they have not previously done so.

Metro reserves the right to retain all packages submitted and to use any ideas in a package regardless of whether that firm is selected.  Submission of a package indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this request, unless clearly and specifically noted in the package submitted and confirmed in the contract between Metro and the selected firm.

It is the custom of Metro to pay its bills within 30 days following acceptance of the work, and following the receipt of correct invoices for all items covered by the contract.   Metro is exempt from the State's sales and use tax as well as all Federal excise taxes.

February 24, 2022                                                                               Shelly Brooks, Finance Director

METRO encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

Registration: Lauren Shaw, Executive Assistant,
Questions: Mike Tremblay, Director of Transit Development,
Final Submission: Shelly Brooks, Finance Director,


Complete RFP emailed after registration is complete.

Plan Holder List

Affirm Agency
Pewaukee, WI 53072

Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Medford, MA 02155

Morris Communications, Inc. (WBE)
Kennebunkport, ME 04046

Pan Atlantic Research
Portland, Maine 04101

Portland Research Group
Portland, Maine 04101-4777

University of Southern Maine Cutler Institute
Portland, Maine 04102

Resource Systems Group Inc.
White River Junction, VT 05001

Etc Institute
Olathe, KN 66061

CEO CJI Research, LLC
Columbus, OH 43215

Zilo International Group LLC
Centennial, OH 80122

Allied Solutions Enterprise
Carmel, IN 46032

Rockville MD 20850

Sainte-Julie, QC J3E1Z4, Canada

FHI Studio
Hartford, CT 06103

RFP #2022-002 Real-Time Information Signs At Bus Shelters

Status: Closed


Publish Date: February 22, 2022
Deadline: April 06, 2022 3:00 pm download this documentRFP #2022-002 download this documentAttachment A

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Real-Time Information Signs At Bus Shelters.

RFP #2022-002 Real-Time Information Signs At Bus Shelters

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Real-Time Information Signs At Bus Shelters until Friday, April 1, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. EDT.

General Scope

Metro is seeking product and general pricing information from established digital hardware/software providers to provide real-time arrival signage at bus stops.  Real-time arrival information would utilize existing Metro General Time and Frequency Specification (GTFS) and Application Programming Interface (API) to display the estimated arrival times and/or wait times for bus routes.  Metro will consider any and all products that can provide this information to the public in a clear yet unobtrusive manner. 

All responses should be emailed to, or sent by mail to Greater Portland Metro Transit District, Attn: Mike Tremblay, 114 Valley Street, Portland, Maine 04102 by Friday, April 1, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. All questions about the RFI should be directed to Mike Tremblay, in writing, at

Purpose & Disclaimer

Greater Portland Metro is interested in gathering non-binding product and pricing information for real-time information displays at bus stops

The intent of this RFI is solely to collect company information, estimates for software and support costs, and to evaluate options for various hardware and software models for real-time information. All information gathered will aid in the future development of a realistic scope and budget for procurement of an as-yet unknown number of such displays.

This RFI is not an official solicitation for bids; no award will be made as a result of this process. The responses received to this RFI will be used in the development of future procurement procedures that may result in a contract with one or more successful vendors. 

METRO encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors


Greater Portland Transit District (“Metro”) is seeking information from digital hardware/software providers to supply real-time arrival signs for bus shelters, along with all components and specifications required to install them on our standard bus shelter. 

Metro provides fixed-route and express bus service throughout the Greater Portland region, including the communities of Portland, Westbrook, Falmouth, Freeport, Yarmouth, Brunswick, and Gorham. Metro has approximately 50 bus shelters, with plans to expand steadily in 2022 and beyond. Metro has over 600 bus stops in its system, most of which are standalone signs at boarding platforms.

While real-time arrival information is already available online and on smartphone apps, real-time arrival information at bus stops provides this useful information to all transit users and passersby, regardless of their access to a smartphone. Real-time arrival information helps users reduce wait times at stops, allowing them to confidently make one more errand before the bus arrives, or provide certainty that the bus will be arriving. Real-time arrival information can also serve as a way to market Metro to potential new riders, as passersby may notice that a bus is coming soon that may get them to their destination more quickly than walking. Real-time information is valuable so that users do not need to read maps and schedules to use the bus.

As part of an effort to improve public visibility and ridership, Metro seeks to deploy a small number of real-time arrival signs at bus shelters in 2022.  As more funding comes available and as shelters are installed and upgraded, additional real-time arrival signs will be deployed in the future. 

Real-time information is most desirable at bus stop locations that serve multiple routes, or where service is most frequent; this is the case along Congress Street and Washington Avenue in Portland, as well as at Metro’s hub on Elm Street in Portland. In the long term, Metro envisions real-time arrival information at most bus shelters.   

Products intended to be installed on shelters should be compatible with Metro’s standard shelter, which is included as Attachment A. Metro also seeks signage that can be mounted to sign posts. Proposals will be considered for all product models, including signs that require grid power and solar-powered displays. Depending on the range of options and how they fit with Metro’s stop and shelter network, multiple vendors and products may be selected as part of a future bid. Real-time information displays that are overhead, mounted on a shelter post, or elsewhere on the shelter will be considered.


Metro is seeking information on signs that have the following characteristics: 

  1. Metro seeks options for digital signs that are powered by the grid, with alternative solar-powered options for locations where grid power is not available. Metro understands that the capabilities of solar-powered signs are limited compared to grid-powered signs; the information displayed on either sign should be displayed in a similar manner so there is no significant difference in how a user experiences each sign type.
  2. Solar-powered signs that have the ability to be standalone (i.e. not mounted to a shelter) are desirable. Real-time information signs will be requested at locations that do not have space required for a bus shelter. 
  3. All digital signs should have appropriate brightness for legibility in direct sunlight. Dynamic dimming capability to reduce light pollution at night will be considered a positive.
  4. Ability to also render images and video content is desirable; however, Metro may prefer more basic text-only signs at some or all locations due to cost.
  5. Text on overhead signage should be visible to anyone in the shelter or walking past the shelter. Signage that overhangs the sidewalk or bus stop landing area shall meet ADA requirements for mounting height. 
  6. All digital signs shall provide for at least a 4G connection via a cellular modem.
  7. Digital signs that provide for at least one method of audio equivalence shall be preferred. 
  8. All digital signs shall be lockable and include vandal resistant enclosures that leave no exposed access or ports.
  9. All digital signs shall be appropriately rated for the region’s temperatures and weather conditions.
  10. Any additional information or features about venders’ products that are not discussed herein.

Content Management

Metro will control the design of the information displayed on digital signs—both visual design and how real-time data are presented to riders. Metro seeks information on the following:

  • The ability to display a live URL/QR code on any digital sign, screen type permitting
  • The ability to disseminate a backup file (static or video) that is displayed in the event that a sign loses connectivity for more than 60 seconds
  • The ability for users at Metro, or its designated agents, to have authenticated access to the Concessionaire’s CMS
  • The ability to access the Concessionaire’s CMS programmatically via an Application Programming Interface (“API”). If or when Metro maintains its own CMS for digital signage, Metro’s CMS shall be able to send content to the Concessionaire’s CMS via a secure API connection.

Information Requested

Vendors are encouraged to submit the following materials to support the information and cost gathering efforts of Greater Portland Metro as we move forward to issuing a future RFP: 

Company Background & Experience: Briefly state your interest in and qualifications for launching a microtransit system within the Greater Portland Metro service area. Please include the following information:

  • Company name, location, primary contact, and number of employees
  • Products, services, and typical market
  • Examples of other microtransit services similar to Metro’s scope

Available Products and Services: Provide a list of products and features available. Specify how content management would work. Provide information on installation, ongoing technical support, warrantee information, etc. 

Pricing: Include general pricing information for all products and services available, for budgeting purposes. Discuss how pricing changes based on scale, if applicable. Include pricing for ongoing technical support and content management.  Include pricing for delivery and installation, if applicable.

Lead time: Provide current lead times for delivery of products. 

References and testimonials: Provide references and testimonials for products, if available.

Project Timeline

Metro hopes to deploy real-time information on bus shelters sometime in 2022, with additional deployments into 2023 and 2024. 

Next Steps

Metro staff will review provided information and may ask vendors to provide additional information about their equipment. Metro will use information gathered in this RFI to issue a procurement for real-time information systems.

Ownership of Submitted Materials

All materials submitted to and accepted by Metro in response to this RFI shall be retained by and become property of Metro. 

Contact Person

Mike Tremblay, Director of Transit Development,

Plan Holder List

Transit Signal Priority
Bidders List

C & C Consulting Engineers, Inc. (MBE)
1380 Soldiers Field Road
Boston, MA 02135

Gorrill Palmer
707 Sable Oaks Drive, Suite 30
South Portland, ME 04106

Sebago Technics, Inc.
75 John Roberts Road #4a
South Portland, ME 04106

500 Southborough Drive, Suite 105B
South Portland, ME 04106

VN Engineers, Inc (WBE)
116 Washington Avenue
New Haven, CT 06519

77 Franklin St, Floor 10
Boston, MA 02110

BidPrime, Inc
2211 South Interstate 35
STE 401
Austin, TX 78741

SLR Consulting
SLR International Corporation
99 Realty Drive
Cheshire , CT 06410

Public Records
Deltek, Inc.
2291 Wood Oak Drive, Herndon VA 20171

Tylin International
12 Northbrook Drive
Falmouth, ME 04105

Construction Journal
20 Farrell Street
South Burlington, VT 05403