Bids, RFPs & Vendor Information

Bids, RFPs & Vendor Information

The Maine Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Eastern Maine Development Corporation, administers a certification program for DBE vendors.

If you would like more information about how to become a certified DBE vendor, please visit the EMDC website at

Search below for current bid opportunities as well as to view our history of closed bids.

RFP #2022-002 Large Sized Low Floor Transit Buses

Status: Closed


Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Large Sized Low Floor Transit Buses

RFP #2022-002 Large Sized Low Floor Transit Buses

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Large Sized Low Floor Transit Buses until Tuesday, Mardch 15, 2022 at 4:00pm.

General Scope

Sealed proposals for the above project, addressed to Greater Portland Transit District, 114 Valley Street, Portland, Maine 04102, and clearly marked on the outside of the envelope with the name of the proposer and project title, will be received until 4:00 PM on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.   Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals will not be publicly opened. All proposals and evaluations will be kept strictly confidential throughout the evaluation, negotiation and selection process. Only the members of the Selection Committee and other GPTD officials, employees and agents having a legitimate interest will be provided access to the proposals and evaluation results during this period. 

Proposers must submit two hard copies and one electronic copy of the Proposal.  In case of any discrepancies, the hard copy shall be considered in evaluating the Proposal, and the electronic version is provided for the GPTD’s administrative convenience only.

All questions and requests for approved equals shall be directed in writing ONLY to the GPTD Office at the above address and be received no later than 4:00 p.m. EST on February 10, 2022 (FAX 207-774-6241, or email Questions or requests received after this time will not be addressed.  Responses that substantially alter this bid and determinations of approved alternates will be issued in the form of a written addendum to all bid holders registered with the GPTD Office. Oral explanations or interpretations given before the award of the contract will not be binding.

If it should appear to a prospective Proposer that the performance of the Work, or any of the matters relating thereto, is not sufficiently described or explained in the RFP or Contract Documents, or that any conflict or discrepancy exists between different parts of the RFP or Contract Documents or with any federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule, regulation, or GPTD policy or other standard or requirement, then the Proposer shall submit a written request for clarification to the GPTD within the time period specified above.  

Requests for approved equals must be supported with technical data, test results, or other pertinent information that allows GPTD the ability to fully evaluate the request.  Addendums will be issued to all registered proposers on or before Thursday, February 17, 2022.

Proposals from vendors not registered with the GPTD Office may be rejected; receipt of this document directly from GPTD indicates registration. Proposers must register with the GPTD’s Finance Office by emailing Lauren Shaw at, or by contacting the GPTD at 207-774-0351, ext. 10.  The GPTD reserves the right to reject proposals from unregistered vendors. Should a vendor receive this RFP from a source other than GPTD, please contact 207-774-0351 to ensure that your company is listed as a vendor for this bid.  All proposals must include the attached forms.  Proposals will remain open for sixty (60) days after their opening.  

Award of this RFP is contingent upon federal funding approval.   The GPTD reserves the right to withdraw its award arising from this RFP if anticipated or actual funding is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any manner.  This RFP will result in a contract between the successful Proposer (“Contractor”) and the GPTD with a contract term of 3 years, starting at the award of this contract, and will be subject to financial assistance provided by a U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (“FTA”) Urbanized Area Formula (“Section 5307”) Grant. Accordingly, all Proposers must comply with all applicable Federal laws and regulations and all terms and conditions prescribed in any grant agreement between the FTA and the GPTD—including the pre-award requirements and the contract terms and conditions set forth herein.   Federally required certifications, as referenced in this RFP, must be completed and submitted with each proposal.   Any failure of the GPTD to specifically identify herein any applicable Federal or state requirements does not relieve any Proposer or the Contractor of the responsibility to meet or exceed any such requirements.

By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, the Proposer, if selected as the Contractor, agrees to comply with the provisions, terms and conditions set forth in the Contract Documents, which form the Contract between Contractor and GPTD (the “Parties”), and agrees to execute said Contract within ten (10) days of receipt of the Notice of Award and Contract for Execution unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the Parties. If the selected Contractor fails to execute the Contract Documents in accordance with these requirements, GPTD may, at its option, determine that the Contractor has abandoned the Contract, and thereupon, the Proposal and acceptance shall be null and void. 

By submitting a Proposal, the Proposer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the GPTD and its officers, agents and employees, including consultants, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, claims, demands, liens, encumbrances, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, and suits or actions or proceedings, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the submittal, evaluation, award, or other performance of any acts or omissions concerning this RFP and contract award, if any.   Successful proposer will also be required to procure and maintain insurance coverages as detailed in this RFP under the Contract Documents.

GPTD is exempt from federal and state excise, sales and use taxes.  Said taxes shall not be included in the price proposal for this RFP. 

It is the custom of GPTD to pay its bills within 30 days after completion and acceptance of the work, and the receipt of properly documented invoices for that work covered under the contract.  In submitting proposals under these specifications, Proposers should take into account all discounts, both trade and time, allowed in accordance with this payment policy and quote a net price.

As required by Federal Law, and in keeping with good practice, the Proposer, if selected as the Contractor, agrees to pay each subcontractor for satisfactory performance of its work no later than thirty days from the receipt of each payment the prime contract receives from GPTD. The Contractor agrees further to return retainage payments to each subcontractor within thirty days after the subcontractor’s work is satisfactorily completed. Any delay or postponement of payment from the above referenced time frame may occur only for good cause following written approval of the GPTD. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontracts.

GPTD reserves the right to waive any informalities in proposals, to accept any bid or portions thereof, and to reject any or all proposals, should it be deemed by GPTD in its sole discretion to be in the best interest of GPTD to do so.   GPTD also reserves the right to undertake discussions with one or more Proposers, and to accept that Proposal or modified Proposal which, in its judgment, shall be most advantageous to the GPTD, considering price and other evaluation criteria.  

GPTD reserves the right to substantiate the Proposer’s qualifications, capability to perform, availability, past performance record, and to determine that any Proposal is prepared in accordance with the instructions and requirements of this RFP to be nonresponsive.  

The GPTD reserves the right to cancel this procurement in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, at any time before the Contract Documents is fully executed. 

Contact Person

Registration: Lauren Shaw,
Questions & Requests for approved equals (in writing only): Shelly Brooks, or fax to 207-774-6241.


Full RFP will be sent electronically upon registration.

Bidders List

updated 2/11/2022)

  • Gillig - (HQ) 451 Discovery Dr. - Livermore, CA 94551
  • New Flyer of America - 6200 Glenn Carlson Dr. - St. Cloud, MN 56301
  • ENC (subsidiary of REV Group) – ElDorado National California Inc. - 9670 Galena St. #3089 - Riverside, CA 92509
  • PWXPress - 1900 Coffeeport Rd. - Jacksonville, FL 32208
  • Deltek - 2291 Wood Oak Dr. - Herndon, VA 20171
  • Creative Bus Sales, Inc. - 14740 Ramona Avenue - Chino, California, 91710
  • Moltec International – 2-2699 Bristol Circle - Oakville, ON Canada
  • TransitGUARD - PO Box 3771 - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
  • Technology International, Inc. - 1349 South International Parkway, Suite 2411 Lake Mary, FL 32746
  • Nova Bus (US) Inc. - 260 Banker Rd. - Plattsburgh NY 12901

RFP #2022-001 Public involvement Services For Creating & Conducting Rider & Non-Rider Survey

Status: Closed


Publish Date: January 12, 2022
Deadline: February 03, 2022 12:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Public involvement Services For Creating & Conducting Rider & Non-Rider Survey

RFP #2022-001 Public involvement Services For Creating & Conducting Rider & Non-Rider Survey

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Public involvement Services For Creating & Conducting Rider & Non-Rider Survey until Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 12:00pm noon EST.

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Public involvement Services For Creating & Conducting Rider & Non-Rider Survey for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

Metro is soliciting proposals from qualified survey research firms for services related to creating and conducting an extensive rider and non-rider survey as well as analyzing survey data and preparing a variety of reports for management and board of directors.  In order to guide Metro’s future planning for service expansion and reevaluation, a thorough understanding of our existing riders’ as well as non-riders’ current travel patterns, typical schedules, vehicle ownership, and other characteristics is required in order for Metro to generate data-driven plans for service expansion and route planning. 

This work will constitute a three (3) year contract consisting of two separate survey efforts: One in Spring 2022, and another in 2023 or 2024.

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Contact Person

To register, please contact


All questions should be made in writing and directed to Mike Tremblay, Director of Transit Development, by email at and be received no later than Thursday, January 27, 2022 at noon EST. Questions received after this time will not be answered before the submission deadline. No verbal instructions or clarifications will be provided to any Respondent. Any questions or requests for clarification will be answered in the form of written Addendum and sent to all registered firms by January 28, 2022. Acknowledgment of any addendum is required with the proposer’s submission.


Firms interested will need to submit a proposal and pricing electronically to Shelly Brooks at Proposals received after that date and time will not be accepted. Please note that Metro administrative offices are closed to the public and non-essential staff is working remotely or partially remotely. Thus, all communication is being handled electronically for this RFP process. RFP packages and any subsequent addenda will be emailed to registered firms, and proposals will have to be submitted via email.

Firms must be registered with the Metro Finance Office in order to submit a package.  To register, email  or call 207-517-3020 ext. 10.  Receipt of this document directly from Metro indicates registration.  Should a firm receive this Request from a source other than METRO, please contact Metro to ensure that your firm is listed as a vendor for this RFP.

RFP #2021-008 Notice To Vendors Greater Portland Metro Request For Bids Computer Hardware

Status: Closed


Publish Date: December 22, 2021
Deadline: January 14, 2022 12:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Computer Hardware.

RFP #2021-008 Notice To Vendors Greater Portland Metro Request For Bids Computer Hardware

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Computer Hardware until Friday, January 14, 2021 at 12:00pm Noon.

General Scope

Metro is accepting bids from companies who provide computer hardware equipment. Bids will be accepted until 12:00 noon on Friday, January 14, 2021. The award will be to one vendor to provide all items, based upon the total amount of the bid calculated using quantities for items listed in the bid. The award will be to one vendor to provide all items, as specified, based upon the total amount of the bid provided. 

Questions about this bid should be addressed via email to, and received no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, January 5, 2021. Funding for this clothing is paid for all or in part by Federal Transit Administration monies, and is therefore subject to federal procurement and contracting requirements. 

Metro encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

To register, please contact

RFP #2021-007 Office Furniture Supply, Delivery & Installation

Status: Closed


Publish Date: November 02, 2021
Deadline: November 23, 2021 12:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Office Furniture Supply, Delivery & Installation

RFP #2021-007 Office Furniture Supply, Delivery & Installation

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Office Furniture Supply, Delivery & Installation until Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at noon EST.

General Scope

Greater Portland Transit District (Metro) is accepting proposals for supply, delivery and  installation of office furniture for Metro offices located at 127 St. John Street Portland, Maine. 

Metro expects the work to be completed in early 2022. The space contains several offices, a  reception area, a conference room and small break area. Metro is requesting proposals to furnish  the area. Detailed listing of the furniture specifications and floor plan are included in the RFP  document.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained by registering with the Metro  office. Firms must be registered with the Metro Finance Office in order to submit a package.

To register, contact or 207-517-3020 ext. 10. Receipt of this document directly from  Metro indicates registration. Should a firm receive this Request from a source other than Metro,  please contact to ensure that your firm is listed as a vendor for this RFP.

Metro receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow  federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and  adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are  included in the RFP document.

Metro encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

To register, please contact


A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained by registering with the Metro  office. Firms must be registered with the Metro Finance Office in order to submit a package.

RFP #2021-006 Marketing & Creative Services

Status: Closed


Publish Date: October 27, 2021
Deadline: November 24, 2021 12:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Marketing & Creative Services.

RFP #2021-006 Marketing & Creative Services

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Marketing & Creative Services until Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at noon EST.

General Scope

Metro is soliciting proposals for marketing and creative services to assist with marketing for a series of ridership recovery initiatives. Beginning in early 2022, Metro will begin rolling out a series of service improvements, equipment upgrades, fare policy changes and promotions, and bus stop improvements. The selected firm will also assist Metro with ongoing marketing and creative services through 2024.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained by registering with the METRO office. Firms must be registered with the Metro Finance Office in order to submit a package. To register, contact or 207-517-3020 ext. 10. Receipt of this document directly from Metro indicates registration. Should a firm receive this Request from a source other than Metro, please contact to ensure that your firm is listed as a vendor for this RFP.

METRO receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

METRO encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

To register, contact or 207-517-3020


A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained by registering with the METRO office. Firms must be registered with the Metro Finance Office in order to submit a package.

RFP #2021-005 Engineering Services For Transit Signal Priority Readiness Analysis

Status: Closed


Publish Date: March 18, 2025
Deadline: March 18, 2025

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Engineering Services For Transit Signal Priority Readiness Analysis

RFP #2021-005 Engineering Services For Transit Signal Priority Readiness Analysis

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Engineering Services For Transit Signal Priority Readiness Analysis until Friday, October 29, 2021, at 1:30 p.m.

General Scop

Metro is soliciting proposals for transportation engineering services to perform a readiness  inventory and implementation materials for transit signal priority (TSP) along two or more transit  corridors in Portland, Maine. The inventory will consist of reviews of traffic signal equipment  along the corridors and reviews of Metro equipment and software as necessary. The chosen consultant  will provide a list of hardware and software needs to provide TSP, as well as cost estimates, so  that Metro can acquire funding and implement in 2022. Equipment specifications will also be  provided by the consultant to enable the project to be ‘bid ready’ in 2022.

A full copy of the requirements and specifications can be obtained by registering with the Metro  office. Firms must be registered in order to submit a proposal. To register, email  or call 207-517-3020 ext.10. Receipt of this document directly from Metro indicates registration. 

Should a firm receive this Request from a source other than Metro, please contact Metro to ensure  that your firm is listed as a vendor for this RFQ and can receive any RFQ addenda. Metro receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow  federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and  adhere to those requirements.  FTA requirements are conditions for this RFQ and contract, and are  included in the RFP document.

Contact Person

To register, contact

RFP #2021-005 Commercial Leasing Brokerage Services

Status: Closed


Publish Date: September 13, 2021
Deadline: September 29, 2021 12:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Commercial Leasing Brokerage Services.

RFP #2021-005 Commercial Leasing Brokerage Services

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Commercial Leasing Brokerage Services, related to the sub-leasing of some sections(s) of a building leased by Metro, until Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 12:00 noon, by emailing to

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Commercial Leasing Brokerage Services related to the sub-leasing of some sections(s) of a building leased by Metro.  for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

 GPTD is a is a municipal transit district formed under M.R.S.A Title 30-A, Part 2.5, Section 163, providing public transportation to the member cities of Portland and Westbrook, and the Towns of Falmouth, Yarmouth, Freeport and Brunswick.  More information about GPTD can be found on

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Contact Person


Questions about this RFP should be emailed to and be received no later than Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 12:00 noon. A response, if provided, will be in the form of an addendum and will be sent to all registered bidders on file.


Interested firms must be registered with GPTD in order to submit a proposal.  Receipt of this document directly from GPTD indicates registration.  Should a firm receive this Request from a source other than GPTD, please contact to ensure that your firm is listed as a vendor for this RFP.

BID #2021-002 Uniform Clothing

Status: Closed


Publish Date: May 04, 2021
Deadline: June 03, 2021 12:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Bids Uniform Clothing

BID #2021-002 Uniform Clothing

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Uniform Clothing until Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 12:00pm noon.

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for **Title** for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

Metro is accepting bids from companies who provide uniform wearing apparel, some with embroidered logo, for its employees. Bids will be accepted until 12:00 noon on Thursday, June 3, 2021. The award will be to one vendor to provide all items, based upon the total amount of the bid calculated using estimated quantities for the contract term. This award will be for a five year term from notice of award.

Vendors interested in submitting bids will need to submit pricing by electronic Excel worksheet, provided by Metro. To receive this worksheet and full specifications, email

Questions about this bid should be addressed via email to, and received no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, May 19, 2021.

Funding for this clothing is paid for all or in part by Federal Transit Administration monies, and is therefore subject to federal procurement and contracting requirements.

METRO encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

Ellen Sanborn, Finance Director

Special Requirements

Vendors interested in submitting bids will need to submit pricing by electronic Excel worksheet, provided by Metro. To receive this worksheet and full specifications, email

RFP #2019-005 Financial Audit Services

Status: Closed


Publish Date: April 12, 2021
Deadline: May 04, 2021 12:00 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Financial Audit Services

RFP #2019-005 Financial Audit Services

Greater Portland Transit District (GPTD) is requesting proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to audit its financial statements and issue reports for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2021 through December 31, 2025.  Proposals will be accepted electronically until Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 12:00pm noon.

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Financial Audit Services for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

Contact Person


Interested firms must be registered with GPTD in order to submit a proposal.  Receipt of this document directly from GPTD indicates registration.  Should a firm receive this Request from a source other than GPTD, please contact to ensure that your firm is listed as a vendor for this RFP.

RFP #2019-010 Banking Services

Status: Closed


Publish Date: December 30, 2019
Deadline: January 23, 2020 1:30 pm

Notice To Respondents

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) Request For Proposals Banking Services.

RFP #2019-010 Banking Services

Greater Portland Transit District (GPM) is accepting proposals for Banking Services until Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. .

General Scope

  • Greater Portland Transit District (“GPM”) is soliciting proposals for Banking Services for the Greater Portland Metro located at 114 Valley St. Portland, Maine 04102.

GPM receives funding from the Federal Transit Administration and as such is required to follow federal procurement regulations and to require its consultants and contractors to understand and adhere to those requirements. FTA requirements are conditions for this RFP and contract, and are included in the RFP document.

 Metro encourages participation by small, women owned, minority, and disadvantaged businesses and supports non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity employment by its contractors.

Contact Person

Ellen Sanborn, Finance Director at


Contact to register and receive RFP.