Bike Racks On Buses
All Metro buses have bike racks. Most Metro buses cannot accommodate more than two bikes. Bike racks are used on a space available basis.
Always load and unload from the curbside. Loading or unloading a bicycle from the street side may cause injury or death.
Below are written instructions for loading and unloading bikes on the bus. Also available is a printable handout.
Loading Procedure
To take your bike with you, follow these steps:

- Remove loose items from your bike (water bottles, pumps, etc.).
- Inform the bus driver that you will be loading your bike. Load your bike from the curb or in front of the bus. Do not step into oncoming traffic to load your bike.
- Squeeze handle to release the latch, then fold down the bike rack. You only need to use one hand to unlatch and pull the bike rack down so you can hold your bike with the other hand.
- Lift your bike onto the bike rack, fitting wheels into proper wheel slots.
- Each slot is clearly labeled. Raise the support arm over the front tire.
- Board the bus and enjoy the ride.
Unloading Procedure
Remember to inform the driver that you will be unloading your bike as you exit the bus and follow these steps:

- Unload your bike from in front of the bus or from the curb and not from the street.
- Raise the support arm off the tire, lift your bike out of bike rack.
- Fold up the bike rack if there are no other bikes on the bus and no one is waiting to load a bike. The rack locks in place.